In the rivers of Kalimantan forest, there are different types of fish typical Borneo. No fewer than a thousand species of fish from different habitats of his life. These fish there is a type of fish caught for consumption and th

Floating Market

Floating Market
South Borneo has hundreds of rivers. With this condition, the river became an important transportation route to the present. Many of the resorts that rely on rivers, including the floating market in the city of Banjarmasin Kuin E

Hudoq Dance from East Borneo

Hudoq Dance from East Borneo
Hudoq is part of the ritual dance of Dayak Dayak Bahau and Modang, are wont to do every completed manugal or growing rice, in the month of September to October. All movements, purportedly believed kahyangan. From confidence f

Plant the Fruit of Borneo

Plant the Fruit of  Borneo
Kasturi (Mangifera Casturi)  Kasturi is the scientific (Latin) called Mangifera casturi, is one of about 31 types of mango that can be found in Kalimantan, Indonesia. In fact, the mango is in a language other than English

Dayak Tribe is The Last Forests Guardians

Dayak Tribe is The Last  Forests Guardians
One of the natives who inhabit the region are ethnic Dayak Borneo forest. Dayak tribe is the owner and protector Borneo forestThat the Dayak people in essence have great respect for nature. The essence is there because it comes f

Buildings and Houses

Buildings and Houses
Rumah Lanting (Floating Houses, The Surface Water Dwelling) The Borneo traditional houses are built with the typological of: 1) pile dwelling systems, 2) semi sub-terranean dwellings, and 3) surface water dwellings. In a s

Threatened Borneo Forest Will Continue

Threatened Borneo Forest Will Continue
  In Borneo, the Forestry Department released data that the rate of deforestation in recent decades about two million hectares per year but the Forest Wacth Indonesia (FWI) have launched, in 2008 and 2009 was approximately t
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