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Houseshold Equipments of Borneo

Traditional kitchen of Borneo
The densifying population is enable to the human lived in the domestic ekonomy household. The stable of an economical household is refieted from much property of eqiupment that the family have. Swelled up a bitter nut life style and paying a bride price in the kind of bitter nut equipment developed into the privileges property in Bajarees family The specific folkways for preparing food in a mokun wooden vessel or awooden plate, burning dupa in padamaran, using lentera hias in the Dyak Ngaju and Maanyan villages are indicated the South East Malayan patterns of culture.
Here is household equipment that is often used south Kalimantan society, especially the rural areas antiquity:

Pengayuh Bini (Paddle women)
2. Rantang Kayu
3. Ceret
4. Padamaran
5. Lampu sumbu
6. Lentera
7. Lisnar
8. Lasung Sirih
9. Penginangan Bokor
10. Paludahan
11. Pangayuh Laki
12. Pisau
13. Tanggui
14. Tatudung
15. Tatudung saji

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